Skincare tips from a dermatologist

One in five Americans reports using sunscreen, and that's a great thing, as skin cancer rates continue to go up and up. The American Academy of Dermatology says most people use sunscreen too infrequently and don't apply enough. A survey found that just over 40 percent applied no sunscreen to their skin in the past week and only 18 percent dermatologists say their patients use any sunscreen. If you're using sunscreen but not getting the protective benefits you think you are, consider these ten tips to help. A healthy skin is the best skin. Finding a great product to maintain your skin will help you achieve that healthy glow and prevent premature aging. What factors are important when selecting a skin care product? The first factor to take into consideration when selecting a skin care product is knowing your skin type. Different types of skin require different types of care throughout the month. The eye are the second factor to take into consideration. In order to prevent premature eye wrinkles, it is important to use eye cream around the eyes at night. The third factor to take into consideration when selecting a skin care product is selecting your skin care regimen. Who has the time to apply 20 products twice each day? Find a product that selects just the specific ingredients and tools that are right for you.

1) Knowing the appropriate skin care product for your skin type is important. Generally oily skin can use a varieties of skin care products while dry skin should only use a simple one. It is also important to consider the type of skin care regimen that you are currently using. Certain products may seem like the best for your skin at face value but upon reviewing your current list of products, you may find that a close second or third product would be more appropriate for you.

2) The eyes need to be taken into consideration while considering products to use. Products that offer protection under the eye area help to prevent wrinkles by protecting the delicate skin on around the eye area from environmental elements, such as the sun and wind, as well as other pressures, such as rubbing. Eye cream is also a good way to reverse any wrinkles that may be present.

3) Finally, individuals should select a product that selects just the necessary materials required for each morning and night regimen while living a busy lifestyle. This is necessary to prevent accidentally wasting money on ingredients that are not necessary for success for your type of skin.

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